In this C Tutorial, you’ll learn all C programming basic to advanced concepts like variables, arrays, pointers, strings, loops, etc. This C Programming Tutorial is designed for both beginners as well as experienced professionals, who’re looking to learn and enhance their knowledge of the C programming language.
C Programming Language Tutorial
C Basics
C Variables and Constants
C Data Types
C Input/Output
C Operators
Operators in C
Arithmetic Operators in C
Unary operators in C
Relational Operators in C
Bitwise Operators in C
C Logical Operators
Assignment Operators in C
Increment and Decrement Operators in C
Conditional or Ternary Operator (?:) in C
sizeof operator in C
Operator Precedence and Associativity in C
C Control Statements Decision-Making
Decision Making in C (if , if..else, Nested if, if-else-if )
C - if Statement
C if...else Statement
C if else if ladder
Switch Statement in C
Using Range in switch Case in C
C - Loops
C for Loop
while loop in C
do...while Loop in C
For Versus While
Continue Statement in C
Break Statement in C
goto Statement in C
C Functions
C Functions
User-Defined Function in C
Parameter Passing Techniques in C
Function Prototype in C
How can I return multiple values from a function?
main Function in C
Implicit return type int in C
Callbacks in C
Nested functions in C
Variadic functions in C
_Noreturn function specifier in C
Predefined Identifier __func__ in C
C Library math.h Functions
C Arrays & Strings
C Arrays
Properties of Array in C
Multidimensional Arrays in C
Initialization of Multidimensional Array in C
Pass Array to Functions in C
How to pass a 2D array as a parameter in C?
What are the data types for which it is not possible to create an array?
How to pass an array by value in C ?
Strings in C
Array of Strings in C
What is the difference between single quoted and double quoted declaration of char array?
C String Functions
C Pointers
C Pointers
Pointer Arithmetics in C with Examples
C - Pointer to Pointer (Double Pointer)
Function Pointer in C
How to declare a pointer to a function?
Pointer to an Array | Array Pointer
Difference between constant pointer, pointers to constant, and constant pointers to constants
Pointer vs Array in C
Dangling, Void , Null and Wild Pointers in C
Near, Far and Huge Pointers in C
restrict keyword in C
C User-Defined Data Types
C Storage Classes
C Memory Management
C Preprocessor
C Preprocessors
C Preprocessor Directives
How a Preprocessor works in C?
Header Files in C
What’s difference between header files "stdio.h" and "stdlib.h" ?
How to write your own header file in C?
Macros and its types in C
Interesting Facts about Macros and Preprocessors in C
# and ## Operators in C
How to print a variable name in C?
Multiline macros in C
Variable length arguments for Macros
Branch prediction macros in GCC
typedef versus #define in C
Difference between #define and const in C?
C File Handling
Basics of File Handling in C
C fopen() function with Examples
EOF, getc() and feof() in C
fgets() and gets() in C language
fseek() vs rewind() in C
What is return type of getchar(), fgetc() and getc() ?
Read/Write Structure From/to a File in C
C Program to print contents of file
C program to delete a file
C Program to merge contents of two files into a third file
What is the difference between printf, sprintf and fprintf?
Difference between getc(), getchar(), getch() and getche()