If you are aware of a microservices architecture, then there we have several spring boot applications (microservices) running on different ports or routes. An API gateway acts as a single point of entry for a collection of microservices. In simple words, all microservices can be accessed through a single port or route. It is a non-blocking and reactive gateway that provides several features like routing, filtering, load balancing, circuit breaking, and more. In this article first, we’ll look at the spring cloud gateway architecture and then implement it.
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud Gateway
Spring Cloud AWS - EC2
Spring Cloud Kubernetes
Spring Cloud Bus
Spring Cloud AWS - S3
What is Spring Cloud?
Spring Cloud - Netflix Eureka
Spring Cloud Netflix - Hystrix
Spring Cloud - Load Balancer
Spring - Integrate HornetQ
Spring Data R2DBC
Spring Boot - Cloud Configuration Server
Spring - FactoryBean
Spring Cloud Connectors and Heroku
Spring - RestTemplate
Spring - MVC Password
Spring Security XML
Spring Boot - H2 Database
Spring - IoC Container
Cloud Networking