Git Tutorial
Git is a distributed version control system and source code management system. It is designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git allows multiple developers to work on the same project without overwriting each other’s changes, providing collaborative work and continuous integration and deployment.
If you’re looking for a Git tutorial for beginners, then you’ve ended up at the right place. In this Git and GitHub tutorial, you will learn GitHub fundamentals and advanced concepts like branches, pushing merge conflicts, and many useful Git Commands.
By the end of this Git tutorial, you will have a strong understanding of how Git & Github work and how to use them effectively in your projects.
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Text Editor
- Basic Programming Concepts
What is Git?
Git is a distributed version control system (DVCS) that allows developers to track changes in their codebase, collaborate with others, and manage different versions of their projects efficiently
- Git was developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005 for Linux kernel development.
- Git is 2.45.1 is the Lastest Verions of GIT, released on May 2024.
Why Learn Git?
- Version Control: Git helps in tracking changes, allowing you to revert to previous states if something goes wrong.
- Collaboration: It enables multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously without interfering with each other’s work.
- Backup: Your entire project history is saved in a Git repository, providing a backup of all versions.
- Branching and Merging: Git’s branching model allows you to experiment with new features or bug fixes independently from the main project.
- Open Source Projects: Most open source projects use Git for version control. Learning Git allows you to contribute to these projects.
- Industry Standard: Git is widely used in the software industry, making it an essential skill for developers.
Working with Git
When a folder is initialised with Git, it becomes a repository—a special location where Git logs all changes made to a hidden folder. In that folder, each time you change, add, or remove a file, Git takes note of the change and marks the file as “modified.” You can choose which modified files you want to save by staging them, so don’t worry.
Consider staging as getting the changes ready for a particular snapshot that you want to keep. Once the staged changes are to your satisfaction, commit them, and Git will keep a permanent copy of those files in its history. Git is great because it maintains a complete record of each commit you make, allowing you to see
What is Github?
GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories and if you have a project hosted on GitHub, you can access and download that project with commands on any computer you have access and make your changes and push the latest version back to GitHub.
GitHub allows you to store your repo on their platform. It is also comes with GitHub, ability to collaborate with other developers from any location.
Learn GIT and Github
The tutorial includes instructions on downloading and installing Git, creating new repositories, utilizing Git Bash, managing Git stash, downloading Git, executing Git commands, working with Git branches, etc. and you will also explore more advanced topics such as resolving conflicts, working on Bitbucket and GitHub, etc.
Introduction to GIT
Git Basics
- Git – SubGit
- Git Environment Setup
- Using Git on CLI
- How to Setup a Repository
- Working with Git Repositories
- Using GitHub with SSH
- Working on Git with GUI
- Difference Between Git and GitHub
- Working on Git Bash
- States of a File in Git Working Directory
- Use of Submodules in GitHub
- How to Write Good Commit Messages on GitHub?
- Deleting a Local GitHub Repository
- Git Workflow Etiquettes
- Git Packfiles
- Git Garbage Collection
- Git Flow vs GitHub Flow
- Git – Difference Between HEAD, Working Tree and Index
- Git Ignore
Git Installation
- How to Install Git on Ubuntu
- How to Use Git in Ubuntu
- How to Setup Git Server on Ubuntu?
- How to Add GIT Credentials in MacOS?
- How to add GIT credentials on Windows?
- How to add GIT credentials on Linux?
- How to Setup Git on Anypoint Studio?
- How to Install Git With Spyder
- How to Install Git on VMWare
- How to Install GIT in Conda?
- How to Install GIT on GoDaddy Server on Linux?
- How to Install Git on Windows Using Chocolatey?
- How to install GIT by NPM Packages?
- How to Install Git on Cygwin?
- How to Install Git Large File Storage on Linux?
- How to Install Sourcetree for GIT on Windows?
- How to Install Sourcetree for GIT in MacOs?
- How to Install Git on Raspberry Pi?
- How to Install Git on Termux?
- How to Set Up Git Using Git Config?
Git Commands
- Useful Git Commands and Basic Concepts
- Basic Git Commands with Examples
- Essential Git Commands
- Top 12 Most Used Git Commands For Developers
- Save a File in Git
- Difference between “add -A”, “add -u”, “add .”, and “add *”
- Difference between “git add -A” and “git add”
- Debugging in a Git
- How to Add Code on GitHub Repository?
- Pushing Changes to Git Repository
- Examining Git
- Git Checkout and Merge
- Overturning Changes in Git
- Git Submodules
- Git Head
- Git Clean
- Git Rename
- Git Fork
- Git Init
- Git Add
- Git Commit
- Git Commit
- Git Origin Master
- How to Set Upstream Branch on Git?
- Git Push
- Git Pull
- Git Pull and Fetch
- Git Merge
- Git Stash
- Git Remote
- Git Patch
- Git Patch Operations
- Git Rebase
- Git Clone
- Git Alias
- Git Ref and Reflog
- Git Undo Commit
- Git Undo
- Git Stage
- Git Squash
- Git Move Files
- Git diff
- Git Status
- Git Blame
- Git Index
- Git Prune
- Git Checkout and Merge
- Git Merge and Merge Conflicts
- Recovering Lost Commits in Git
- Git Tags
- Git Hooks
- Git Subtree
- Git – Filtering the Commit History
- Git – Cherry Pick
- Git – git-show Command Line Utility
- Git – Working Tree
- Git Logs
- Git – Changing History
- Shallow Clone on Git Linux
- Sync your fork with a master in GitHub
- Error Searching and Handling in Git
- Delete a Git Branch Locally and Remotely
- How to Push Git Branch to Remote?
- How to Add an Empty Directory to a Git Repository?
- Difference Between Git Push Origin and Git Push Origin Master
- Difference Between Git remote prune, Git prune,on and Git fetch –prune
- Git – Difference Between Merging and Rebasing
- How to Use Git Log to Format the Commit History?
- How to Remove Local Untracked Files From Current Git Working Tree?
Git and GitHub
- Create a Repository on GitHub
- Introduction to Git Branch
- How to Add Code of Conduct to Your Project on GitHub?
- Difference Between Fork and Clone in GitHub
- How to Add Audio Files on README .md File in a GitHub Repository From the Local System?
- How to Add Videos on README .md File in a GitHub Repository?
- How to Upload a Project on GitHub
- How to Export a Git Project?
- How to Push a Project and Contribute on GitHub?
- How to Push Anything to GitHub using Git Bash?
- How to Push Folders From a Local PC to GitHub using Git Commands?
- How to Add Images on README .md File in a GitHub Repository From the Local System?
- How to Transfer Local Repository to GitHub Organization?
- How to Generate Personal Access Token in GitHub?
- How to Add GIFs on README .md File in a GitHub Repository?
- How to Change the Visibility of the GitHub Repository?
- Issues in GitHub
- Git – How to Solve “remote: Invalid username or password. fatal: Authentication failed”
- Git – A lock file already exists in the repository, which blocks this operation from completing
- Common Git Problems and Their Fixes
- How to add a README to your GitHub profile?
- How to Upload a Project through GitHub Desktop on GitHub
- How to configure an OAuth App from GitHub?
- How to move the most recent commit(s) to a new branch with Git
- How to Use GIT with R and RStudio?
- How to Use Git with Eclipse?
- Git–Pack Objects
Git and GitHub in VS Code
Git and GitHub in Android Studio
Git and GitHub in Pycharm
Git and GitHub Deployment
- How to deploy the Node.js app on Heroku from GitHub?
- Deployment of React Application using GitHub Pages
- How to Publish a Static Website on GitHub
- Host a free Static Website using GitHub
- Publish Websites on GitHub Pages with a Custom Domain
- How to Deploy a Basic Static HTML Website to Heroku using Git?
- How to Deploy Angular Application to Firebase using GitHub?
- How to Add Custom Domain To GitHub Pages?
- How to Deploy a Django Application to Heroku with Git CLI?
- How to create a cv using HTML and host it in GitHub?
- Deployment of Angular Application using Github Pages
- How to Build Portfolio Website And Host It on GitHub Pages?
Git Collaborating
- What is Git Collaboration
- What are GitHub Collaborators
- GitHub Discussion
- Forking Workflow in Open Source Ecosystem
- How to Clone Github Repository and Push Changes in Colaboratory?
- How to make your first Open Source Pull Request
- How to setup Gitlab Repository in Windows 10
- Merge Strategies in Git
- How to Handle Merge Conflicts
- GitHub App to Add or Remove Labels to Issues
- How to Create Pull Request on GitHub without Using any IDE?
- How to Clone Web Project from GitHub in Pycharm using Git?
- How to Clone a project from GitHub using Eclipse?
- How to Export Eclipse Projects to GitHub?
- Creating New Branch on Github without using any IDE
- How to Upload Project on GitHub from Jupyter Notebook?
Git Advanced
- How to Handle Big Repositories with Git?
- How to Protect Your Private Email Addresses in Git & Github?
- How to send an Email using Git send-email via Gmail?
- Dynamic Quote Generator for GitHub Readme
- Automating some git commands with Python
- How to Install and Use Git in Google Colab?
- Downloading gists from Github made simple
- Introduction to Bitbucket
- Difference between Bitbucket and GitHub
- Using Bitbucket as an extension to GitHub Capabilities
- Working on Bitbucket using Git
- Introduction to Mercurial
- Difference between MERCURIAL and GIT
- How to Make a GitHub Bot
- Jenkins and GIT Integration using SSH Key
- GitHub App to Build Form using Typeform and Probot
- How to Trigger WebHooks without Events – Probot Github App
- Difference between Gitlab and GitHub
- Difference between Git and SVN
- Link your GitHub Account with R Studio
- Continuous Integration and Continuous Development(CI/CD)
- How to Add GIT Credentials in Jenkins?
- Implementation of CI/CD in .NET application Using Shell Executor on GitLab
- Implementation of CI/CD in Java application(Linux) Using Shell and Docker Executor on GitLab
- Implementation of CI/CD in C/C++ Application(Linux) Using Shell and Docker Executor on GitLab
- How to Publish Docker Image to Dockerhub Using Github Actions?
- Installing Private Git Server on K8s Cluster with Gitea and AKS
- Flutter – Building and Releasing APK using GitHub Actions
- How to Upload Android APK to Testers Group in Firebase Using GitHub Actions?
- Basic CI Workflow For Android using GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions For Android
Internal Working of GIT
Git uses a decentralized model where each developer has their own copy of the repository and works immediately on the project. Git manages the projects with repositories and can clone a project to operate locally on it.
With staging and committing it track changes and control. You can pull the latest code of the project to the local copy, and push local updates to the main projects.
Frequently Asked Questions on Git and GitHub
What is GitHub?
Git and GitHub are not the same, GitHub makes tools that use Git. GitHub is the popular host of code and maintained by Microsoft since 2018.
Why Should I Use Git?
Git is a useful tool that helps to manage changes in code or any documents, It generally allows collaboration between developers and writers and enables them easy version control.
Can Git be used for non-code files?
Yes, Git can be used to manage changes happening in any text-based files, documents, configuration files, and even images. However, Git may not be the best tool for managing large binary files.
How do I resolve conflicts in Git?
When changes areStart done in the same file by different developers then conflict occurred. To solve this, you need to first identify the lines of code which is conflicting then make the necessary changes, and commit the changes to the repository.
What is the difference between Git and Github?
Git is a version control system used to track changes that generally occur in code and documents. GitHub is a platform that provides hosting for Git repositories and different tools for collaboration.